Nephrology Associates Lex

Nephrology Associates of

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease: PKD is a type of genetic disorder which sometimes runs in a family. PKD is characterized by the formation of numerous cysts (small fluid sack like structures on the kidney). Patients with PKD can experience flank pain, high blood pressure, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, blood and protein detected in the urine. PKD can happen within any age group, however patients in mid 30s to 40s are more susceptible to kidney failure. 

At Nephrology associates we provide personalized care by offering genetic testing (in some cases free of cost) and specialized imaging techniques using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to better understand and categorize a patients risk in terms of losing kidney function. 

We work closely with pharmaceutical companies to provide qualifying patients with the latest treatment options for polycystic kidney disease.

What our patients are saying

Edward Newgate

NAL Patient
“Our dedicated patient engagement app and web portal allow you to access information instantaneously (no tedeous form, long calls, or administrative hassle) and securely”